St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School Maruthomkara is situated in Maruthomkara, a village of verdant beauty in the foothills of Wayanad mountain ranges to the north east of Kozhikode district. The origins of this school is linked to the historic Christian migration to Maruthomkara in the early twentieth century. While they braved the hazards of a wild terrain , they had the visionary zeal to start a school which they believed would lay the foundation for all future cultural, social and economic growth and progress of this region. The result of their work stands today as a land of agricultural and material prosperity and a school with newly built buildings and other infrastructure to suit the modern needs. The prosperity that one sees in this region is the result of the quality education imparted to the generations of the village folk through the past century. The facts that many of the socially backward classes has come up the social ladder and are well settled shows that the school has served its purpose and that the vision of its forefathers has borne fruit.
Though the school started as a primary school in 1937’ it soon progressed to a high school in 1957 under the able leadership of Rev. Fr. Everistus. Later in 2010, the school was raised to a higher secondary with the efforts of the then manager Rev. Fr. Thomas Vattottutharappel. The school then run under the able leadership of the then high school headmaster Sri Joshy Kattakayam.
The higher secondary had its first principal in 2013 when Sri Joseph Karimattam took charge. Since then the school has risen to one of the foremost higher secondary schools in the region and the Thamarassery coporate. In 2016 – 17’ the achieved the envious pass result of 95% with the school coming as first in the region and in the Thamarassery corporate. We have been receiving around or above 90% since 2013.
When the higher secondary came into being in 2010, the school had two streams , the science and the humanities. In 2011 the commerce stream also started. The higher secondary was sanctioned in 2010 with the sanction order Go(MD)128/2010Gen.Edn Dept dtd 20/07/2010. Additional batch was sanctioned in 2011 with the sanction order Go(MS)167/2011 Gen.Edn.Dept dtd 03/08/2011.
While the school had only 100 students in the beginning it now has 396 students with 65 students in every class of each stream. Though the school started with 12 teachers, we now have a staff of 16 teachers 2 lab assistants and the principal.
The National Service Scheme (NSS) was started in the school in the year 2016-17. The N S S has already conducted vacation camps of a week’s duration. N S S also conducts various activities like cleaning , growing vegetable gardens, planting trees, farming on lands in the adopted village, providing of books to local library in the adopted village, drama camps and clearing sides of roads in forest areas. N S S activities are designed to inculcate leadership qualities and values like dignity of labour, simplicity, humility, kindness and compassion in the hearts and minds of children. The first school N S S co ordinator was Sri Janesh Devasia who guided the N S S ably through its beginning struggles . Now the N S S is ably headed by Sri Suresh K, political science teacher who systematically and efficiently implements the various activities.
The school has four science labs namely physics, chemistry, zoology and botany. It also has computer lab for the commerce stream and a geography lab for the humanities stream. The labs are well equipped o meet the needs of the students and government stipulations.
The school in continuously spelling success in sports. It also has a glorious past in sports. The school handball team has been winners in sub district level every years. We have been runner up in waterpolo in district level. Our swimmers have competed at state level. Our base ball, soft ball and throw ball teams have done wonderfully well at the sub district and district level.
The school has had a brilliant history in work experience fairs. Our student have competed at state level in most of the years.
The school also gives due importance to arts. Our students have competed and won prizes in state level too.
The school lays emphasis on laying out a firm and comprehensive foundation for their learning which would eventually see them through life. The Plus Two results in the last four years 2014 -15 90%, 2015-16 94%, 2016-17 95% , 217-18 89% shows that the school has been consistently spelling success. 85 % of students score above 60 % and 25 % of the students shows above 80% marks. It is a pointer to the quality that the school maintaining in academic.
The school’s first principal Sri Joseph Karimattam retired in 2017 and Smt Lillykutty George has taken charge as the new principal.
The school looks forward to great future of committed service that would spell success, life and hope to thousands of our aspiring eager students.