St. George’s High School, no doubt is a special place with its own values, rich traditions, culture and a reputed one for educational excellence. We are all concerned about all the aspects of our children and we enable them to develop exemplary character, a passion for lifelong learning and of course to mould them into courageous personals and hence develop them as the leaders of better tomorrow.
Children regardless of their age, class or background mostly are not like a notebook yet to be written upon as it is naturally believed. Only by providing appropriate all encompassing education that will lead to the development of the all round personality of a child equipped to face the challenges of life in all his/her future endeavourers. We believe the approach of motivating and getting out of the children is based on the positive reinforcement of good work and good behaviour which centres on encouragement, enthusiasm, fun and effective rather than criticism, fear and punishment. I am confident that the students shall find their educational experience, at St. George’s HS, a fruitful one.