# Pupils must attend school regularly and be punctual for class. They should arrive at the school at least 10 minutes before the first bell is rung.
# Any pupil coming late, will not be allowed to enter the class without the permission of the Principal.
# Absence from school must be supported by a leave letter from the parent of the pupil. If absence on account of illness last for more than three days, the application for leave must be made to the Principal accompanied by a Regd. Doctor's Certificate.
# Pupils must come to the school neat and tidy in their dress. Pupils who do not come in full uniform will be excluded from class.
# Pupils absent from examinations will be considered as having failed, unless it is established that their absence was due to illness.
# Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal.
# It is forbidden to write, scribble or splash ink on the School or compound walls or in any way disfigure or damage the school property. Severe action will be taken. The cost of repairs or replacements will be charged to the parents.
# The school is not responsible for goods lost by the pupils. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to school.
# Students are strictly forbidden to have cellular phones in their possession in the school premises.
# Fire works will not be allowed inside the campus, in connection with any festival or celebrations.
# The pass mark in all subjects for all students is 35%. Consideration will be shown for co-curricular activities.
# Students found copying and practicing other unfair means during examination will be awarded zero for the particular examination and they also run the risk of being detained.