“ The end depends upon the beginning”. The motto reminds the students that the effort that they put in to their education, from the beginning –of each day, of each school and of their educational career –will reap rewards later in the life. So we the teachers of St. Sebastian’s , Koodaranhi guide our students to use the weapon which can change the world itself.
Our mission is to impart value education in a safe and caring environment ,inspiring all our students to reach their true potential and to act as responsible participants in a society .We focus on the important principles, ethics and standard of the students .Our mission is to foster each child’s well being as a foundation for academic and life success by drawing on the strength of the child’s entire community.
In order to make a close contact with the parents, we have Whatsapp group for H.S Section .Our students have the chance to express their views and talents as we have here a radio programme named SS.Radio1.5. Here we have purified drinking water facility for the students . To extend the level of knowledge , here is a vast Library in our school and the school provides one period per week as part of the time table .