Our institution will be incomplete if we don’t mention about our P.T.A committee .Right from the beginning we had a very strong and supporting P.T.A. committee .Without the co-operation extended by such a strong and energetic committee, our school could not have achieved anything .They standing with us in all our trials and tribulations and giving moral support for the progress of the school .It clearly reveals their interest in improving the academic level of our students.
Our school P.T.A for the academic year 2018-2019 has Mr. PREMJI JAMES (P.T.A President) and other members are plays a vital role in all the school activities. Be it academic or extracurricular activities. Our children’s moral spiritual academic growth and other development must rank in importance ahead of other activities. Academic excellence is a worthy goal, but attaining wisdom for living much more valuable and important .Our P.T.A helping us such a way than other activities.